Your Donations to Help and Friendly Projects and friendly projects need financial support. Your help would help us pay for the hosting, promote and develop the project, organize contests , etc.
Now necessary
Chuvash Ethnic Radio needs your help! The server the project is placed at requires a new more powerful processor, which would cost about 4,000 roubles ($140). Your help is very appreciated!
Chuvash Ethnic Radio Send money: If you are intersted in helping send a message to to learn details.
* Ms. Havas-appa made 1,000 roubles donation to buy a new server.
* Mr. Аlatar made 3,000 roubles donation to buy a new server.
* Mr. Kir made 4,000 roubles donation to buy a new server.
Web-знак Studio has been hosting our project on their server for free.