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Diaspora: Krasnoyarsk Will Celebrate Chuvash Language Day

Ку хыпарпа эсир ҫавӑн пекех Чӑвашла паллашма пултаратӑр
Šyravşă 10.04.2015 20:20 | 42841 views

The Council of Chuvash Autonomy of Krasnoiarsk Krai of Russia has prepared to celebrate April 25 - The Chuvash Language Day (Christian Missioner and Teacher Ivan Yakovlev's birthday anniversary).

Among other events a conference will be held in commemoration of the date, a public lesson of Chuvash will be given, and a big concert of Chuvash pop stars will take place.

The conference will be devoted to topics of language and culture preservation in Krasnoyarsk, 3rd great assembly of the Council and celebratory events of the 25th anniversary if the autonomy will also be discussed.

Address: Krasnoyarsk, Prospekt Mettallurgov, 22.

#Yakovlev, #Chuvash, #Language, #Autonomy, #Culture



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