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Chuvash Art Party
 Šyravşă | 31.10.2015 18:24 |

Art Jewelry and accessories by designer Mikuş Baltaj
Jewelry and accessories by designer Mikuş Baltaj

Director Iosif Trer is inviting everyone involved in Art to a party on November 3 at 18:30 in the Youth Theater.

For anyone who is interested in Chuvash culture and is in Chuvashia now this is a great opportunity to meet almost all of the contemporary important artists, designers and writers.

The host Iosif Trer invites the guests to reflect on the current status of Chuvash art in the world.

These artisans confirmed they are coming and it is a great chance for us to list the most prominent names of present-day Chuvash art-scene:

Ethnofuturism and Receptualism artist Georgiy Fomiryakov,

Aygiists Atner Husankai and Oleg Ulangin,

Popular TV host and journalist Tatiana Iliina,

Avant-garde poet Marina Kariagina,

Ethnic costume, jewelry and accessory designer Mikuş Baltaj,

singer-songwriters Vladimir Iandush and Hai-Lav,

dance-pop music band Şilarman,

museum curator Antonina Andreeva,

designer and artist Pavel Popov,

French Chuvash language and culture activist Ulpi,

Haval Chuvash Youth Organization and Chuvash Language school director Aleksandr Blinov.

Also invited are:

Artist and Illustrator Praski Witti,

musical instrument maker Nikolai Fomiriakov,

Estonian Chuvash singer-songwriter Aleksandr Aidarov.



Children in Jelcӗk Save the Nature
 Šyravşă | 31.10.2015 18:22 |


Jelcӗk district is promoting love for nature preservation in Plant a Tree and Save It action in October. The organizers call people to love and save nature, make the environment green and beautify the villages.

On a sunny October day children of Jelcӗk school took part in the action by planting 90 birch and linden trees. The organizers of the action hope the example of Jelcӗk schoolchildren is an inspirational example for children in other schools of the disctrict.

Gallery (5)



Chuvash Christian Liturgy in Samara
 Šyravşă | 14.10.2015 13:41 |

Religion Holy Resurrection Monastery. Image courtesy
Holy Resurrection Monastery. Image courtesy

On October 10, in Holy Resurrection monastery, for the first time in the modern history of Samara the mass was celebrated in the Chuvash language, according to Samara information agency.

The initiative came from the regional Chuvash National and Cultural Autonomy of Samara. Its representatives addressed a request to Sergii, the metropolitan bishop of Samara and Syzran. The faithful asked that worship in one of the city's temples be in Chuvash,the language native to many of the citizens.

In September 2015 metropolitan Sergii gave a blessing for Chuvash liturgy. It was served by abbot Nikon, who is the vice-rector for educational work in Samara Orthodox Theological Seminary.

Samara Oblast is one of the places where the Chuvash make up a significant community. According to the 2010 census, the region is home to more than 80 thousand Chuvash people.



Turkish Youth Festival in Kazan
 Šyravşă | 14.10.2015 10:58 |


Kazan, Tatarstan. The second annual youth festival of Turkic people is held in the city from the 7th to 12th of October.

Among the representatives of more than a dozen Turkic nations (Azeris, Turks, Balkars, kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Nogais etc.) two groups are from Chuvashia - the National and Cultural Revival Society Irӗklӗh (Ирӗклӗх) and the Union of Chuvash Youth Suvar (Сувар). The program of the event consists of meeting with Tatarstan officials, sightseeing, seminars and presentations.

A representative of Chuvashia, Vladislav Moskovtsev, announced his work on a a manual for the teaching Chuvash language in schools of the Chuvash Republic and abroad. The manual will consist of training videos, including the works of poets, a description of the traditions of the Chuvash people and much more. Later he plans to include other languages of Russia in this program.

A Moldovan representative, Anatoly Tolmach expressed a commonly held view that 'the Turkic world has problems in language, customs and identity of the nations. Many of which, in my opinion, could be solved if we go after the Eurasian integration model (Russia's Eurasian Integration policies - Tatarstan has succeeded in achieving harmony between nationalities and become a model for other regions'.

Tatarstan is host for people of 170 nationalities (ethnicities), and has been very active when it comes to preservation of cultural identities and minor languages. The officials of the Republic are going to introduce the guests of the festival to the youth affairs policies and present innovative investment projects like Innopolis, Silicon Valley inspired IT-city.

The organizers of the festival are Youth Center Idel, the Federal National and Cultural Autonomy of the Tatars and the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports of Tatarstan.


Chuvash Language

Chuvash Social Organization Haval published a huge collection of Chuvash study books. The archive is accessible is here

The collection includes more than 50 books in Chuvash and Russian from as early as 1772, while some provide fundamental theory of the language, other are manuals, text, phrase and work books. The preson responsible for digitizing the library is Artem Fedorinchik, member and coordinator of Haval.



A Krishnaite temple is appearing ...
 Vedic Temple to be Constructed | 11.10.2015 14:51 |


A Krishnaite temple is appearing in Pittukassi suburb of Cheboksary. it is to be finished in 2020 according to the plan.

The foundation and ground floor work are scheduled for this year. The temples first floor and the rood are to be finished in 2017, with the doors of the place of worship to be open in 2018. There will be an altar, kitchen, bedrooms and kids' room. The house of worship is 55. sq m large.

The Cheboksary Eparchy Anti-Sectant Department worker protoiereus Sergei Iermolaiev states the Orthodox Christian Church is against Krishnaites, saying «The Krisnaite movement was born in the second half of the 20th century in America. It is a sect of false Hinduism. Their rites and traditions are foreign to us. The church oposes the construction of such a temple in the city of Cheboksary».



Aptӑra Festival
 Šyravşă | 07.10.2015 15:45 |


On October 17 in Cheboksary Chamber Theater a new festival will take place - Chuvash and Udmurt Cultures 'Aptӑra Fest'.

This is something new for Chuvashia. Our neighbors - the Udmurts - are much ahead of us in design, electronic music and maintaining ethnic city culture. The reverse side of art and culture, however, is much more developed in Chuvashia.

So Chuvash and Udmurt have something to teach each other. The festival events include Chuvash Fine Art Exhibition, literature lectures, concerts, fashion shows and dance parties.

The Fine Art exhibition will feature artists Praski Vitti, Vladimir Ishutov, Igor Ulangin, Georgiy Fomiryakov. Literature lectures will be by Bogdan Anfinogentov (Udmurtia), Dmitriy Vorobyev (Chuvashia), Alesha Prokopiev (Chuvash Moscow), and Iosif Trer (Chuvashia).

The notable pop acts participating are Şilarman (Chuvashia) and 'Dukes' (Udmurtia).



New Season Premieres Insomniacs
 Šyravşă | 24.09.2015 14:21 |


The Chuvash State Drama Theater named after Constantine Ivanov has launched its new 98th season. The opening play this year is 'Constantine Ivanov' (Hot Blooded Gentle Soul), which replaced the theater's first opening choice for many years, the all-company-involving crowded play 'In the Village' (Ялта). The season's premiere follows almost immediately.

The comedy 'Insomniacs' (Ыйӑх ҫухатнисем) was written by playwright Nikolai Terentiev and staged by theater's own actor with an honorary title given by the Republic, and Chuvash Republic Youth Award winner Valerii Karpov. Art direction is by Ludmila Sidorovs. Theater-goers are invited to see the new play on September, 30th.

The love comedy tells the happiness stories of loving couples. Gennady and Luba imagine happiness as an adventure to diamond mines together, Peter and Olga's symbol of happiness are a tractor and lots of corn to harvest in the field... But parents Martha and Lavren Vasilch want to become relatives by marrying off Luba and Peter to make lots of money selling apples from a huge apple orchard. They don't care if Peter and Olga love each other or have a different view on happiness.

The Chuvash Drama theater is a wonderful place to train Chuvash, equipment is also provided to hear simultaneous translation in Russian.


Internet Igor Yakovlev
Igor Yakovlev

Yesterday Igor Yakovlev, a very well known man in the world wide web passed away. He is best known for his work in Na-Svyazi website and the Chuvash Government Web Administration. For his outstanding skill and creativity he has been nicknamed the Chuvash Symbol of IT, Fido and Internet by a Na-Svyazi user 'remark'.

Igor Yakovlev was the leading specialist in deeloping Fido network in Chuvashia and for many years managed the IT projects of Chuvash Presidential Administration. Never short of new ideas he was also very kind, open-hearted and always ready to help.

It will not be a mistake if we say that it was Igor Yakovlev who successfully launched the exemplary (by Russian standards) portal of Chuvash governmental bodies, he used his position of administrator to help improve transparency of government activities.

'Because we live in Chuvashia we wanted to produce in Chuvash as well as Russian. We added Chuvash fonts and language support. And the audience increased,' he said in a documentary about the web portal.

Recently Igor was involoved in Na-Svyazi network. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning in Cheboksary.



Volkov Monument needs Funding
 Šyravşă | 16.09.2015 16:49 |


Quite recently a session of Chuvash National Congress activists took place in which the transportation of the sculpture of the monument to famous Chuvash teacher Gennady Volkov from Belarus was discusses.

The members of a committee involved in the mission announced that additional 200000 roubles ($3000) was necessary to complete installation. The Congress President Nikolai Ugaslov is to give $1500, the rest is still to be collected.

There's hardly anyone who doesn't know the name of Gennady Volkov in Chuvashia. He is most famous for his leading role in the field of Ethnopedagogics, a science of educating children based on wits and mind of ancestors aggregated over centuries. Parents and children in Chuvashia can easily relate to the methods of making children aware of their behavior and resulting consequences not by physically punishing or using the power of conviction or condescending, but directing with kind wisdom.

I remember, how I would feel shame and start behaving just after my grandmother kindly saying: 'Oh, a sledge turned over on the slope of Wolfvalley' when she saw us become naughty. I don't remember her ever raising voice or calling names. It is this simple yet effective tricks that Gennady Volkov collected and tested for further use in educational practice. His example inspired many people in Eastern Europe to look for simple answers for very important educational dilemmas in the collective memory of their respective societies.

Author: Taisia Tashney


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