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тусăмсем пĕлеççĕ: Cӗlhe - halӑh huralӗ

тусăмсем пĕлеççĕ01.04.2007 23:466736 views
"Cӗlhe - halӑh huralӗ. Cӗlhemӗr pӗtmesӗr, epir pӗtmestpӗr. Cӗlhe purripe, cӗlhemӗre syhlasa upranipe, juratnipe, hiseplenipe, şyrnipe, kalanipe halӑhӑmӑr ta purӑnӗ, vӑl pӗtmӗ, jut halӑha juhsa anmӗ, şuhalmӗ."
— Vuk St. Karadzic, Serbi cӗlheşi.
"Language is guardian of a nation. As long as the language exists, as long as we keep it, love it, and respect it, as long as we write in it and speak it; the nation exists as well, and it doesn't flow over into another one, nor it will disappear."
— Vuk St. Karadzic, Serbian linguist.
Editorial note: The publication of articles does not mean that the editorial board shares the opinion of its authors.
[Comments (3)]


Алина // 7635-0007
2007.04.11 20:06
Чувашский язык в данный момент бурно развивается благодаряписьменный язык...
ned // 2904.99.1687
2007.04.12 14:59
потому что этот язык - язык моих предков, они жили, любили, пели, веселились, горевали, сражались, умирали с этим языком на устах, и если я не буду чтить моих предков, то мои потомки не будут чтить меня...
çутăуйăх // 3415.08.3577
2007.04.18 20:32
Терĕсех каланă. Чăваш чĕлхи пирĕн чи пысăк пуянлăх.


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