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тусăмсем пĕлеççĕ: Skypecast

тусăмсем пĕлеççĕ09.06.2007 09:336685 views
Skypecast intereslӗ japala. Skype'ӑn şӗnӗ versine lartsan unta jatarlӑ kӗrtӗm (tab) pur, Skypecast jatli. Sanshӑn intereslӗ skypecast uşsan, esӗ itleme je hutshӑnma pultaratӑn. Epӗ kuras tesen, Learning Chinese jatline uşrӑm. Unta 20 şyn ytla kalaşaşşӗ, kitaj cӗlhine vӗrenӗşşӗ. Intereslӗ. Pӗtӗm japala tülevsӗr. Ten ӑna cӑvashla vӗrenes tekensem valli kӑsӑklӑ, aktuallӑ pulat'.
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