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Victor: BUG

Victor11.09.2007 14:345558 views

Well, how about going buggy-buggy in pink? Would that be funnier than that existentialist book. Well, what if it weren't in Austria but in post-industrial New York. If it weren't a weak guy with a picture of an Austrian lady, cutely, neatly, lovingly framed and viciously protected... but a shrewd-headed Chuvash gal, with illegal snapshots of cute New York guys in her point-and-shoot camera with a pink lens. She would metamorphose with great pleasure. Well, she does... from time to time. Don't we?

well, the frog croaks and it doesn't give a damn if you don't like it - it's the best singer you've ever heard - interspecies-communication, baby, no prejudice...
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[Comments (1)]


2007.09.11 22:57
тусăмсем пĕлеççĕ
ilertüllĕ mettamarfus văl, this pink Chuvash gal... :)


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