K -ka particle lightly expressed command, request
kabina (Russ.) cabin, fuselage, cockpit
kacchă bridegroom, husband
kala to speak, tell, say; play (an instrument)
kalaş to converse
kalaşu conversation, speech
kalarăshpe in accordance with what one said
kalcha kernel, grain
kallah kalleh again, still, back
kam who
kam ta pulin anyone, whoever it may be;
kamănlăh (padezhĕ) genitive (case)
kan to rest
kanlĕ carefree; cosy, comfortable
kandidatura (Russ.) candidacy
kanfet (Russ.) confections, candy
kantăk window; glass
kantur (Russ.) office
kapan haystack
kapla such, such a, so
kar to stretch out
karăn to stretch oneself, to swell up
karas a kind of carp
karchăk old woman
karlankă throat, larynx
karmash to reach out for
kart notch; card
karta \karda\ fence, ; herd of livestock
karta \kart:ă\ (Russ. ) map, card
kas to cut
kasăl to cut oneself up
kaska chopping block
kassa (Russ.) savings bank, bank; pay-window, cashier‘s stand
kaş I evening
kaşhine in the evening
kaş II to go over, cross over
kaşar to lead over; forgive, excuse
kashăk spoon
kashla to murmur (of a forest)
kashni each, every
kahal lazybones, person who is lazy
kavle to chew (as to chew the cud)
kaj I behind, after portion, rear;
kajran then, after;
kajalla back to; once more
kaj II to go, travel;
particle expressing of negative surprise
kajni the going, departure
kajăk wild animal, wild bird, bird, game
kazah Kazakh
kăkăr breast, bosom, chest
kălar issue; subtract
kămaka oven, stove
kămălla like, prefer
kămăllă good, kind
kămrăk coal
kămpa mushrooms
kăna rather, only, merely
kăntăr south, noon;
kantărla by day
kărantash pencil
kărchankă scabs, mange
kăşal adv. this year
kăşalhi present-day, of this year
kăshkăr to cry out, shout
kăshkărashkala to cry out repeatedly
kăsht a bit, a little
kătart to show, to cause to see
kătra curl, lock (of hair)
kăvak blue
kăvakal duck (fowl)
kenguru (Russ.) kangaroo
kĕmĕl silver
kĕneke book
kĕpe shirt
kĕper bridge
kĕr I fall (season);
kĕrkunne in the fall
kĕr II to go in, enter
kĕrt I to let in, admit
kĕni entrance, going in
kĕrt II snowdrift
kĕrt jytti wild dog
kĕrle to murmur, rustle, roar (of airplanes)
kĕreple (Russ.) rake
kĕresh fight
kĕrĕsh to hire oneself out
kĕrü son-in-law
kĕrüshĕ his/her/their son-in-law
kĕske short
kĕsket to shorten, abbreviate
kĕşen to neigh, whicker, whinny
kĕşĕn young, small
kĕşnernikun Thursday
kĕt to wait
kĕtesle on installments, on credit
kĕtes angle
kĕtü herd
kĕvĕ melody
kil I house;
kilelle homewards;
kilseren at each and every house
kil II to come, arrive
kilĕsh to agree
Văl mana pulăshma kilĕshrĕ He agreed to help me; to be liked
Ku kĕneke mana kilĕshet I like this book; to match
Ku kĕpe sana kilĕshet This dress matches you.
kilĕshü agreement, treaty; peace
kilogramm (Russ.) kilogram
kimĕ boat, ship
kin daughter-in-law
kino (Russ.) movie, cinema, motion picture
kirek kam whoever;
kirek mĕn whatever;
kirek mĕnle however;
kirek ăşta wherever, anywhere
kirlĕ necessary; deserving, suitable
kirpĕch brick
kivĕ old
(of things, not people) klass (Russ.) class
kofe (Russ.) coffee
kollektiv (Russ. ) collective
kombajn (Russ.) combine
komissi (Russ.) commission
konferenci (Russ.) conference
kruzhok (Russ.) circle, club
ku this
kukăl‘ pie, pastry
kukăr bend, corner, turn
kul to laugh;
kulkala to laugh repeatedly
kun day;
kunĕpe all day
kunşul life
kunta hither, to here, here
kunti at here, local;
kuntan from here, hence
kupa stack, pile
kupala to stack, pile up
kur to see
kura postposition thanks to, in regard to, concerning
kurăk plant, grass
kurăn to be seen, seem, be visible, look like
kurka cup, scoop
kurshanak burdock seed
kus to turn, return, go back
kusem these
kuş I eye
kuş II to move
kuşar to translate; to move
(transitive) kuşlăh eyeglasses
kuşşul‘ tear, teardrop
kushak cat
kut rear, backside, derrière, ass
kut shătăkĕ asshole, anus
külĕ lake
kür to bring, produce, yield
kürt to bring in, let in, lead into
kürshĕ neighbor